Board of Trustees

Contact with the Board of Trustees should be made through the CAAA National Office.

The Board of Trustees is composed of the incumbent President and Vice President of each of the four member associations (National Association of Schools of Art and Design, National Association of Schools of Dance, National Association of Schools of Music, and National Association of Schools of Theatre) and the Executive Director of the four associations in common.

The Board of Trustees shall:

  • Exercise all executive functions of the Council;
  • Have control in the management of the affairs, funds, and properties of the Council not otherwise provided for;
  • Establish dues and fees;
  • Establish and operate a joint Accrediting Commission for Community and Precollegiate Arts Schools (ACCPAS), and establish and amend as necessary accreditation standards, a code of ethics, rules of practice and procedure, fees, accreditation procedures and other documents for ACCPAS and the institutions it serves;
  • Ratify the appointments to ACCPAS made by the Presidents of the member associations, and appoint a Chair and the public member of ACCPAS;
  • Monitor the effectiveness of all legal organizational and accreditation documents of the Council, and approve procedures for their revision as appropriate from time to time;
  • Act upon reports, actions, and suggestions concerned with Council policies, procedures, and accreditation standards developed through means established by the Board or through other means;
  • Establish written procedures for hearing an appeal of a decision by ACCPAS if that decision denies or revokes accredited status;
  • Fix the time and place of meetings not otherwise provided for;
  • Maintain a close consultative relationship among the member associations of the Council; and
  • Consult with organizations and individuals concerned with education in the arts.

CAAA Board of Trustees 2023-2024

Greg Watts, NASAD President
Cleveland Institute of Art

Larry Attaway, NASD President
Butler University

Michael D. Wilder, NASM President
Wheaton College

DeAnna Toten Beard, NAST President
Baylor University

Karen P. Moynahan, Executive Director, ex officio

Peg Faimon, NASAD Vice President
Indiana University

Mary Lisa Burns, NASD Vice President
New World School of the Arts

Tayloe Harding, NASM Vice President
University of South Carolina

David Z. Saltz, NAST Vice President
University of Georgia